Monday, July 17, 2017

Pioneer or Settler?

Recently, I came across an article written by Christine Caine called "Six Characteristics of a Pioneering Leader", and after reading it my mind was racing at the connections to education and my current leap of faith.
(I first became intrigued with Christine Caine  while attending the IF: Gathering conference for Christian women in Austin, TX. Mind blown. She speaks with such conviction and instantly makes you want to pour love into yourself and others.)
 "It takes courage to let go of where we are and reach for what's ahead. It takes courage to uproot--mentally, emotionally and sometimes physically--to press on and fulfill what God's called us to do. To embrace new roles. Launch new ventures. Expand our reach."                                                           -Christine Caine
Caine defines a pioneer as someone who is "the first to open or prepare--a way, settlement, or region--thus opening it for occupation or development by others." She says a pioneer goes first, before everyone else. They are selfless, persistent, committed, bridge builders, self-starters, intrinsically motivated, and forward-thinking. They are a leader.
This is what educators should be pressing toward. As educators, we must open the path for our students to become pioneers themselves. We are the example for our students.

We need to learn to become flexible in a role and allow ourselves to move forward even when we don't always know the outcome. Take ourselves where we have never been. We want to guide our students, but be open to new territories. We have to let go, become flexible, and reach forward. Our students need us to be pioneers.

On the contrary, Caine defines a settler as someone who is "sedentary, stationary, maintaining." There are some parts of education that must be maintained, but we must be constantly be looking to develop ways that prepare our students for their future. In other words, we need to avoid becoming that educator that is a settler. The educator that does what they have always done. No excuses.

I am looking forward to paving the way for students in my new role. I am looking forward to showing them what it is like to be a pioneer. I am taking a big faith step to expand my reach and fulfill the calling that has been placed upon me.

What have you been called to do? Will you be a pioneer or a settler? My hope is that we all will become pioneers that pave the way to new and better ways for our students.


Christine Caine's "Six Characteristics of a Pioneering Leader" Article

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