Thursday, May 25, 2017

Life Lessons.

 The article "30 Things About Life Everyone Should Learn Before Turning 30" by Nicolas Cole focuses on how our lives are full of lessons, some are small and others take a lifetime to learn. I got to thinking about my life and what lessons are most relevant to me as an educator.

During this school year, we have focused on Social Emotional Learning in our classroom. We had the opportunity to spend the first five days of school creating community within our classroom, understanding self regulation, and developing strategies to support students during the year. 

Nicolas Cole pinpointed some of the life lessons that our students need the most to be a successful citizen, develop their self-worth, and create relationships with others.

1. The most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself. 
-My students started the year by reflecting on the positive. Students were able to share with their peers positive aspects of their lives. Some students had more to share than others. Now, at the end of the year, all students have more positive things to say about themselves.
My students and I have built one another up all year long. The main focus for my students: YOU MATTER. Before you can create solid relationships with others, you have to feed into yourself. Part of my role as their teacher is to feed into them as well. I build up my students to enable them to cross bridges they never thought they could.

2. Trust is built through actions, not words. 
-As their teacher, I have to prove to my students they can trust me. I show them what that means by showing up every single day, greeting them at the door, asking them about what is going on in their lives, and making sure they know I care no matter what happens. My actions speak louder than my words. 

Finally, the life lesson that spoke to me personally is...

3. You are only as good as the last risk you took.
-Cole states that success over the long term is about constantly pushing yourself to take the next big risk. My students deserve a teacher that is willing to take risks in the classroom. They deserve to learn in an environment where risk taking is promoted and modeled. I am willing to show my students what happens when you fail. They have seen me time and time again get up and keep on moving despite setbacks and challenges.

My hope is that my students will walk away this year feeling more confident in themselves and their abilities, leave here a better person than when they showed up, and know that I loved them day in and day out. I am proud of their emotional growth and it all goes back to those first five days.

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