Monday, March 6, 2017

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

I am not one to step out of my comfort zone, in fact, this blog sits well outside of my comfort zone. I have never claimed to be a writer, so this way of expressing my thoughts, reflecting, and connecting with others is just downright scary. I put too much emphasis on how I will be perceived and don't give myself enough credit for what I have accomplished.
I have been questioning how often I force myself to be vulnerable. I realized that I may be keeping myself from doing great things. Couros states it so clearly when he said, "Change is an opportunity to do something amazing."

Recently, I was invited to read The Innovator's Mindset by George Couros and join in the IMMOOC conversation on innovation. I bought the book and immediately felt intrigued. In just three chapters, it has transformed my thinking and caused some serious reflection.

George Couros defines the innovator's mindset as the belief that the abilities, intelligence, and talents are developed so that they lead to the creation of new and better ideas. Having taught in the same school for ten years, I am challenged to continue pushing the limits and opening the doors to better learning opportunities for my students. My students must focus on creating something with their knowledge. The only way they will accomplish this is by providing them the experiences and support. I have to prepare my students for real life and make meaning in the classroom that sticks with them. The learning opportunities have to fit their time, their goals, and their future. I look forward to my students learning alongside me each and every day.

When someone walks into my classroom, I believe they can feel the sense of community within our 3 1/2 walls. Couros says this type of environment sparks us to focus on  "What is best for this learner?" and  that by "individualizing education and starting with empathy for those we serve is where innovative teaching and learning begins." This right here is where it all lies--a safe place to drive your learning into new directions.

My students come feeling excited to learn and curious about what we are doing, although, as their guide I am not naive to the fact that I have a long way to go in the design thinking process. I want for my students to enter the room and feel comfortable making mistakes, taking risks, and chasing their curiosities. I love the idea that Couros says we must embrace that everyone in the classroom is a teacher and a learner.

My goal is to design with students what they need/what works in hope that they leave more curious than when they walked in. I will create the better pathway and innovate.

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