Why do I read?
Books are filled with words. Words that together have meaning, take you on a journey, transport you to a different world, expose you to new ideas, inspire you, encourage you, create emotions, and can can be a solace when you need to step out of reality.
Words matter. They change who we are, who we will become, and who we hope to be.
Our talk in reading class this week was just that, words matter. Why do they matter? I got answers like: they express emotion, explain things, teach us, they can change who we are, take us to new places, and allow us to use our imaginations.
I have been changed by words. Words that have stuck with me. Words from books. Words from people. People have spoken words and put thought into the words that will stick with me for a lifetime. These words have encouraged me, pushed me, kept me going, made me question my why, and caused me to put my words on paper. Words in books have given me the ability to learn more about my craft and have transposed my thinking. Take away all the books I have experienced and my life would be very different. I wouldn't have traveled to the thousands of places without these books. I wouldn't have been inspired. I wouldn't have been introduced to the people or characters I have met over the years. I am who I am today because of all the words I have read and the words that have been spoken to me. Words matter.
I hope that my students this year will find that their words matter. I hope that they find meaning in others' words. I hope that if they haven't found a love for reading, that I can expose them to words that will inspire them.
Why do I read? Because words matter.
(This post was inspired by @taramartinedu post on "Why do You ____?")